Fitness Tracking
The fitness prediction chart gives a day by day indication of your fitness and fatigue levels. It's updated daily from your training data.
Fitness takes weeks and months to change significantly, but fatigue changes more quickly. As you would expect, fatigue increases imeediately after a tough training session but will quickly drop after a few easy days.
The fitness and fatigue numbers are arbitrary but the trend is important. If youre fitness level increases over a few weeks, you can be confident youa re getting faster. Take a break from training and you'll see it fade away.
Looking back over months (or years) of training is very insightful, you can see how you gained from good blocks of training and how time off set your fitness back. Improving your swim fitness is all about consistency: over-do things and get sick or injured, this chart will show the impact on your fitness.
A model such as this is never 100% accurate but it does give you a valuable "big picture" insight into the effectiveness of your training and your fatigue levels day to day.