From Strength to Triumph: Paul Newsome's Impact on Chelsea Sodaro's Hawaii Ironman World Championship Victory

In May 2022, Head Coach Paul Newsome was invited by fellow coach extraordinaire, Dan Plews of Endure IQ, to work with up and coming endurance triathlon star, Chelsea Sodaro, in order to help improve her swim. The result...?

From Strength to Triumph: Paul Newsome's Impact on Chelsea Sodaro's Hawaii Ironman World Championship Victory

Working with Paul on my swimming over the course of the season leading up to Kona, helped me to identify the key areas of my swimming technique that ultimately unlocked my bike/run performances to win the Hawaii Ironman World Championships. My initial video analysis and stroke correction session with Paul was instrumental to this and I really hope that if you connect with Paul or any of his Swim Smooth coaches, or via the Guru, you’ll be able to reap the rewards that I did, whatever your level and goal!
— Chelsea Sodaro, Ironman World Champion
Head Coach & Founder, Paul Newsome

Paul Newsome is the accomplished founder and head coach of Swim Smooth, a revolutionary approach to swimming technique and training. With a passion for transforming swimmers of all levels, Paul's expertise has made a lasting impact on the world of swimming. His innovative methods and dedication to helping swimmers reach their full potential have solidified his position as a leading figure in the sport. Through Swim Smooth, Paul Newsome's legacy continues to inspire and elevate swimmers' performances in the water.


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