Stay Supple And Mobile Ready For Your Swimming Comeback!

Firstly, we hope that you and your family are keeping safe and well in the current global Coronavirus outbreak. In these times of uncertainty across the world it is easy to get caught up in it all and spiral into panic. At Swim Smooth we want to offer you a more positive approach to the situation and provide you with a bit of relief from the current issues.

Let's get physical...!

For us swimming enthusiasts, the thought and reality of not being able to get into the pool to work on our swimming technique, swim fitness and let off some steam is unfathomable. At Swim Smooth we want to ease your pain slightly by introducing our BRAND NEW SERIES of FREE YouTube videos to keep you busy during your time in lockdown.

You can watch the first edition here:

These videos provide at-home alternatives to educate you, help you develop your stroke technique and maintain your fitness during the time that you are in lockdown. So get your gym gear on, search for your 80s sweatband and head to our YouTube account and join Swim Smooth's Head Coach, Paul Newsome!

Our first video takes you through a 10 minute light stretching and movement routine that you can do every day to maintain a normal routine whilst you are in self-isolation. We will regularly uploading videos to keep you on the ball during this time so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Reply to this email or comment here if there are any topics that you want us to cover or any technique you would like to work on. 

Stay safe and well - and keep looking after your physical, mental and social wellbeing! 

Swim Smooth

The Swim Smooth Coaches Are Taking Over Instagram!


A New Series Of SS Swim Videos To Help You Through The Coronavirus Pandemic