JB Trust Triathlon On July 12th And New Swimmer/Coach/Club Packs!

Just a reminder that the Jenson Button Trust Triathlon is taking place this July 12th at Luton Hoo, Bedfordshire, UK. The Swim Smooth Team will be in full attendance, and subject to some final arrangements, we hope to be running a free open water swim clinic at the venue for all competitors, to give you some final tips the night before the race (Friday evening). Confirmation coming soon!

You can find more information on the race and enter here: https://eventdesq.imgstg.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=main&EventDesqID=6620&OrgID=2106

In the meantime, here's some advice from Jenson on tackling the swim portion of the race:

It's going to be a fantastic day of racing (and socialising!) - Paul Newsome and the rest of the SS team very much hope to meet you there!

Swimmer / Club / Coach Packs

Meantime in our Swim Shop we've assembled some special offer packs for you:

8 Item Swimmer Pack

Not sure what to buy to work on your all round swimming technique? You need our specially assembled Swim Smooth / Finis Swimmer Pack! Combining the very best coaching tools from our swim shop together with a Swim Smooth DVD or Book of your choice, this pack contains everything you need to take major steps forward with your swimming.

Plus, if you're a Triathlon England member, you can receive an additional £5 discount off this pack!


15 Item Coaches Pack

In conjunction with Finis we've assembled a complete set of stroke correction equipment and tools for any coach working one to one with swimmers. This is the same selection of equipment used by our prestigious Swim Smooth Certified Coaches.


31 Item Club Pack

Designed as a starter set of equipment for triathlon and swim clubs, this pack contains Swim Smooth's recommended equipment for squad training with around 12 swimmers. The set is designed to be both versatile and comprehensive, and is recommended by Triathlon England.


Swim Smooth!

Mega Megan Part 2 - Why Not You Too?


*Mega* Megan: Going From 2:12 to 1:32 /100m Pace