Announcing Two New Certified Swim Smooth Coaches In Cardiff And Perth

Today Swim Smooth are very proud to announce two new Swim Smooth Certified Coaches:

Sally Scaffidi, Perth, Australia:,

Sally has had multiple successes over numerous distances of triathlon, adventure racing, open water swimming and paddling events and is very understanding of your needs as an athlete. She's passionate about coaching and is heavily involved with coaching the Swim Smooth Squads in Perth. In addition she conducts video analysis and stroke correction sessions from the Claremont Pool. She's currently training for her first 20km solo channel crossing from Perth to Rottnest Island in 2014.

Swim Smooth Coaches

As with all Certified Swim Smooth coaches, Sally and Andrea were hand picked from hundreds of applicants to our Three Day Coach Education Course. They have been highly trained by Paul Newsome, Adam Young and the rest of the SS home-base team to deliver all of our coaching methods directly to you in person.

For more information on our other certified coaches and to find your nearest coach, see our full list here:

We're sorry if we don't have a coach near you yet. Growing the number of Swim Smooth coaches around the world is a major goal for us as a company because we know the value of high quality face to face coaching. Please bear with us while we develop this network over the coming years, carefully selecting and training coaches is critical to maintain the very highest standards of swim coaching and is not something that can be rushed.

Becoming A Swim Smooth Coach

If you are interested in becoming a Swim Smooth coach, a good first step is to join our Coaches Network here. We use the network to invite coaches to join us on our Three Day Coach Education Course which we operate several times a year in different locations. From the course we select the candidates with the coaching talent and passion to go on and train with Swim Smooth to become certified by us, which takes around a year.

Don't wait for Swim Smooth to come knocking on your door, get out there and start contributing to your local swimming and triathlon community to develop your skills and build your experience. You might also like to contribute on our forum too. Being proactive and passionate about coaching are key attributes we are looking for and make you much more likely to be selected.

Swim Smooth!

Announcing Two New Certified Swim Smooth Coaches In Cardiff And Perth


Announcing The New Womens HUUB Axena Wetsuit