Do You Own A Waterproof MP3 Player?

Swim Smooth are pleased to announce a new product to improve your swimming :

Stroke Rate and Lap Interval Test Tracks For Your Waterproof MP3 Player

Swim Smooth have produced special audio tracks that beep Stroke Rate and Lap Intervals to you on any MP3 Player. If you own a waterproof player these tracks give you a low-cost introduction to the fascinating world of Stroke Rate Training and Lap Interval Pacing:

- Use the first set of Stroke Rate Tracks to time your arm stroke to the beep, improving your rhythm and timing. Adjusting your stroke rate up or down lets you find that sweet spot in your stroke - so you can swim faster and more economically.

- Use the second set of Lap Interval Tracks to develop your pace judgement, improving the accuracy of your training and reducing your race swim splits. Deceptively simple, this set beeps every lap or half-lap so you can pace your swimming perfectly. Most swimmers are surprised how poor their pacing is and how much room they have for improvement!

We call these 'Test Tracks' as they allow you to thoroughly test out the two functions of the specialist Wetronome tool at a very low price. With every purchase we include a Wetronome discount voucher to the full value of the MP3 tracks. We do this because we believe you'll experience so much improvement in your swimming you'll go on to purchase a Wetronome. Compared to an MP3 player a Wetronome allows finer settings, it's smaller, has almost endless battery life and never reaches the end of a track whilst you are swimming!

Find out more about the MP3 Tracks and how to download them here:


Swim Smooth!

Swimmers In Secret Filming Shock


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