⭐️ Swim Smooth's Partnership with Level Water: Celebrating 20 Years of Inclusive and Fun Swim Coaching for All!

You're probably already well aware of it, but for the last 20 years here at Swim Smooth one of our over-arching aims is to democratise a swim coaching methodology that WORKS, is FUN, and (most of all) is for EVERYONE

Yes, we're well known for our work at the pointy-end of the pool, open water and triathlon field(s), but equally, if you were to visit any of our international Swim Smooth Coaches, you'd quickly understand that the vast majority of our swimmers are normal, everyday folk who just enjoy being in the water and keeping fit with their mates. The post-swim coffee (and sometimes, cake!) is arguably just as important as whether or not they hit a certain CSS target or Red Mist cycle!

To this end, it's an absolute pleasure that we've been asked once again to partner with UK-based charity, Level Water, who give children with disabilities the opportunity to learn to swim through the organisation of open water based events. 

Level Water's unabashed claim to being “the UK's least competitive swim” gels extremely well with our recent Shore-2-Shore community swimming event here in Western Australia, opening up access to safe open water swims for everyone:

Let's hear from Level Water on their worthy initiative - will you join them in 2024?

Level Water are running a series of 24hr Wild Swim Relays at five incredibly beautiful lakes across the UK. Join them in 2024 and take on a brand new, community focussed swimming event. AND, just for the beautiful people at Swim Smooth, we have a discount code for you, your friends and family - SWIMSMOOTH24.

The 24hr relays are not a race, timed or a competition in any way. You enter a team of up to 8 swimmers and you swim for an hour each, on rotation, for 24 hours. 

The challenge is:

  • keeping each other motivated and warm

  • having the bravery to jump in a cold lake at 3am when all you want to do is sleep

  • cheering the sunrise as a teammate has just completed a swim.

You’ll be bonding around the fire pit sharing hugs, smiles and so much more cake.

“The atmosphere was brilliant. The event itself is unique in being a personal/team endurance challenge rather than about speed or distance. The Level Water team were fantastic in promoting the inclusive, not a race message. The night time swims really are so special but also getting to swim as a team together was brilliant.”

By taking part, you’ll be supporting Level Water. A charity who provides 1-1 swimming lessons for children with disabilities across the UK. These swimming lessons are life changing for children with disabilities who do not have equal access to lessons. Every lesson is bespoke for each child which means they get the personal support they need to learn, progress and grow in confidence.

“Level Water took away the gloom and life changing misery of our son's disability and diagnosis. They reminded us that he is a little boy who can have lots of amazing adventures and try things we never would have dared.

From his perspective, someone believed in him and told him he was more than his disability and focused on who he could be. He says he is like a snail on land but a shark in the water. Level Water rescued my son from mainstream coaching where they held him back because he could not do the strokes the right way. They made him swim with 3 year olds because he couldn't tick the boxes. Level Water unlocked that potential for him and with a little patience and adjustment of teaching style they found that inner shark and showed him the sea. This is the power of Level Water, the power of swimming”

Sign up now and use the power of your swimming to help us give the gift of swimming to disabled children:

Head Coach & Founder, Paul Newsome

Paul Newsome is the accomplished founder and head coach of Swim Smooth, a revolutionary approach to swimming technique and training. With a passion for transforming swimmers of all levels, Paul's expertise has made a lasting impact on the world of swimming. His innovative methods and dedication to helping swimmers reach their full potential have solidified his position as a leading figure in the sport. Through Swim Smooth, Paul Newsome's legacy continues to inspire and elevate swimmers' performances in the water.


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