🔴 Red Mist Cycles VS 🔵 CSS Paces - What’s the Difference?

Today, we're diving into a fascinating topic that can transform your training — understanding the difference between CSS Paces and Red Mist Cycles. Whether you're training for a triathlon, gearing up for open water races, or just looking to improve your endurance, knowing how to work out these numbers for you and what benefits each offer is crucial. 

Join us on the deck as we break down these concepts the Swim Smooth way, with practical demonstrations and tips to help you swim smarter and faster:

Head Coach & Founder, Paul Newsome

Paul Newsome is the accomplished founder and head coach of Swim Smooth, a revolutionary approach to swimming technique and training. With a passion for transforming swimmers of all levels, Paul's expertise has made a lasting impact on the world of swimming. His innovative methods and dedication to helping swimmers reach their full potential have solidified his position as a leading figure in the sport. Through Swim Smooth, Paul Newsome's legacy continues to inspire and elevate swimmers' performances in the water.


🐍 🪜 Consistency: What Gets Monitored, Gets Maintained!


🔋 How to Draft in Swimming and Save up to 38% of Your Energy Expenditure!